
About me

Welcome to my page! I am currently pursuing my M.S. in the Bionic Intelligence Lab at Zhejiang University, under the guidance of Dr. Qinyuan Ren, since September 2022. My research is centered around Robotics with a focus on planning and control of mobile robots. I studied the MPC-based framework for the autonomous person-following mobile robot. Additionally, I am interested in PnC in autonomous driving. My blog is here .


  1. LimSim++: A Closed-Loop Platform for Deploying Multimodal LLMs in Autonomous Driving.

    Daocheng Fu, Wenjie Lei, Licheng Wen, Pinlong Cai, Song Mao, Min Dou, Botian Shi, Yu Qiao.

    IV 2024. [ paper ] [ github ] [ site ]

  2. An Autonomous Robot for Collision-Free Person Following through Model Predictive Control.

    Wenjie Lei; Ruize Wang; Tianhao Liang; Qinyuan Ren.

    IECON 2023. [ paper ] [ site ]